The Secret Gold Guide 

by Hayden Hawke

voted #1 gold guide world of warcraft secret gold guide
Voted #1 Best World of Warcraft Gold Guide at Almost Gaming
In a recent poll conducted by Almost Gaming, the Secret Gold Guide took 1st place with 44% of voters calling it the best gold guide, while the 2nd place one had only 20%!

Updated Weekly
100% Legal, No Cheats
COMPLETE Gold Making Guide Personalized Email Support
Detailed Maps & Instructions
Secrets For ALL Levels
Works For Horde and Alliance
Over 15 Bonuses Included
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Secret Gold Guide Updates
Weekly Gold Tips
Crafter's Compendium
Herbalist's Handbook
The Miner's Companion
Tom's Power Leveling Guide
WoW Acronyms and Abbreviations Cheatsheet
Class Talent Guides
Dual Boxer's Guide


"I thoroughly developed and tested these new strategies. These aren't some old strategies that have been repackaged to make the guide look huge."

"There is nothing in this guide that is old or outdated and EVERYTHING works. I don't just tell you what you could do to make gold, I tell you exactly where to go, what you should do, and if that isn't enough, I've even included DETAILED MAPS!"

"My guide is highly organized and easy to navigate so that you can find anything and everything as fast as humanly possible or at least as fast as you can click and read."

"My guide does not contain any hacks or cheats, and is 100% LEGAL."

#1 recommended gold guide world of warcraft
The Secret Gold Guide has passed the scrupulous and intense examination of and is now the #1 recommended gold guide to its site users looking for ways to make gold in World of Warcraft.


How to find all the HOT DEALS on the Auction House that others don't know about (I find it funny that most people think they know how to use the Auction House, but once you read my guide, you will be ABSOLUTELY AMAZED at what you didn't know).

How to get money for your mounts, whether you're level 20, 40, 60, 70, 80 or 85 and getting a regular land or epic flying mount. What I reveal to you in this guide will always leave you with plenty of gold to buy your mounts (no more hitchhiking).

Common gold making mistakes other players make and how to avoid them (some of these are really common sense but people still do them for some reason).

The hottest selling items for each profession and how to make tons of gold off these items whether you crafted them or not!

The best places to mine, herb, and skin. I'm not going to lie to you, this comes with full routes and detailed instructions. You will MAKE gold using them.

How to use addons to make gold farming easier (no these aren't hacks they are Blizzard Approved addons that most players don't even know exist)!

Unique ways to make gold that other players don't even realize exist.

How to identify the next hottest items and have them up for sale in the Auction House before anyone else even thinks about it!

Ways to manipulate the Auction House so the items you sell, ALWAYS SELL, and for the PRICE you choose!

How to make TONS of gold off any profession, no matter which ones you have! (yes a lot of people aren't even using their profession they already have to make a TON of gold because they don't know how. I'll tell you exactly how in my guide!

How to make hundreds of gold while helping other players at the same time you are farming!

Know which daily quests are worth doing, what ones aren't, and learn what order you should do them in to maximize your gold!

How to quickly identify which items are worth farming and the absolute best places to find them!

And MUCH, MUCH, MORE! So much more, that if I put it all in this box you'd still be here reading it tomorrow.

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    October 2012